A Thanksgiving Hymn

Lord, gathered here within this hall,
Vile sinners rescued from the Fall,
We bow down low before our King,
True source, we know, of everything.

We thank you, Lord, our gracious Host,
And in you make our every boast.
For from our judgment just and sure,
You rescued us and made us pure.

So good and faithful, kind, and true,
With deep concern you did us woo.
You sent to us your only Son,
Made one with us our race to run.

That race did lead him to the grave,
All that he had for us he gave.
He gave his life, his blood, his all,
And rose again, of death the pall.

And so, we owe our life, our all,
And with our thanks on you we call.
Eternal thanks we long to bring,
Eternal praise our offering.

©Gareth Tonnessen
(With modification made to stanza 2 by Carl Lingle on Nov. 11)
November 10, 2019
Modified again by Gareth Tonnessen November 21, 2020.
Quarryville, Pennsylvania

Can be sung to the tune Federal Street or to a hymn with Long Meter (L.M.).