God’s Extraordinary Grace: Autobiography of Gareth Tønnessen

God’s Extraordinary Grace” by Gareth Tønnessen.

Embark on a thrilling adventure with “God’s Extraordinary Grace,” a captivating biography that will...

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Gareth Tonnessen
Gareth Tonnessen

 With a background spanning five continents, the author brings a wealth of experience and cultural insights to every work. Having lived and worked in Kenya, East Africa for three years, living in the Netherlands several months and traveling throughout Europe, two months in Singapore with trips throughout the region, two weeks in Turkey, teaching two weeks in India, studying one summer in Mexico, and studying in Switzerland under a prominent 20th-century theologian, our journey is full of fascinating tales.  He met and married his French-speaking Swiss wife while studying in Switzerland. They have three married children and six grandchildren and a granddaughter-in-law. They were also foster parents to a total of five children, some of whom had special needs.


Handbook for Hard Times

Are you comfortable with what is happening in the world now? Where is it all heading? Only God knows for sure, but much of the world is already hurting greatly, and wars and rumors of war proliferate. Jesus said that his followers would suffer persecution because of commitment to him. His true followers would be treated as he was.

Are you...

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God’s Extraordinary Grace: Autobiography of Gareth Tønnessen

God’s Extraordinary Grace” by Gareth Tønnessen.
Embark on a thrilling adventure with “God’s Extraordinary Grace,” a captivating biography that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences.
Life-Threatening Situations: Brace yourself for heart-pounding moments as the author faces life-threatening challenges that will test his...

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Other Writing

Saran, Saran—innocent it sounds,
But Sirhan Sirhan its name should be,
For it becomes to me as death he was to Kennedy.

Saran Wrap, a tempting name, crafted in subtlety; in truth, its name Saran Trap should be, springing suddenly to snare those who live unwarily.

It promises in bright array to cling and seal, to all made plain, so much superior to Cellophane.

But resting in its clever box with saw-tooth edge so sharp, it hides its guilty soul, and makes all pleasantness to carp.

Its starting point...

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Lord, gathered here within this hall,
Vile sinners rescued from the Fall,
We bow down low before our King,
True source, we know, of everything.

We thank you, Lord, our gracious Host,
And in you make our every boast.
For from our judgment just and sure,
You rescued us and made us pure.

So good and faithful, kind, and true,
With deep concern you did us woo.
You sent to us your only Son,
Made one with us our race to run.

That race did lead him to the grave,
All that he had for us he gave.
He gave his life,...

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Be sure to check out our new release, Handbook for Hard Times. Many believe people who try to live in fellowship with Jesus Christ will face some hard days soon, even as he...

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